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someone help me come up with ideas for why c!gold might lose their immortality at one point so i have an excuse to make gloww a thing
@jorp mlom nynx coet @eash ran etrel
eash ran etrel 07-May-22 03:51 PM
uh- c!ash isnt immortal because if the nature of dark galactics (fleshing them out now) but a dark galactic is formed when a galactic wishes to lose their immortality due mostly to trauma. dark galactics (c!ash specifically) are rare, some galactics remain in their original form while only losing immortality. maybe c!golds trauma causes them to lose their immortality but remain full galactic otherwise?
that wouldnt really make sense from an evolutionary standpoint (galactic generations are separated via universes)
bc like, losing immortality in order to cope with trauma that comes from death? (edited)
i guess it could make sense in the 'so it doesnt happen in a near infinite loop' sorta thing but then there'd be one less galactic to clone for the next universe
ealt of the eash 07-May-22 04:00 PM
maybe she doesn’t want to lose the imortality, it accedentally happens? but for the trauma reason
ehh my point still stands
ealt of the eash 07-May-22 04:01 PM
like, because c!gold is so freaked out about trauma immortality goes ‘nope’
if anything that'd just make the immortality closer to typical immortality (no physical human needs like sleep or food required)???
ealt of the eash 07-May-22 04:03 PM
jorp mlom nynx coet 07-May-22 04:10 PM
could be some kind of curse, or a trade off for some kind of power
im thinking nobody's actually aware its not infinite
maybe thats partially why they can never sleep lmao
cuz 1. anxiety 2. didnt really have to
but eh
i kinda like just
having gold die at some point and everyones like 'oohhhh /neg' bc obv aaaahh, but then gold doesnt come back and gloww's there and theyre like 'oH'
jorp mlom nynx coet 07-May-22 04:22 PM
so like
how many lives would they haver
not sure yet
jorp mlom nynx coet 07-May-22 04:23 PM
and how would that be determined
could literally kill glo off whenever
whenever its convienient
literally could just say oh they died before in some of the billions of years prior to glowwsmp
nobody knows
dont have to make one
jorp mlom nynx coet 07-May-22 04:24 PM
i would imagine that the less powerful they are, the more times they could die and the more powerful the less lives
and bc of how death is experienced gold wouldnt know either
jorp mlom nynx coet
i would imagine that the less powerful they are, the more times they could die and the more powerful the less lives
well then thats subjective
ok so lemme explain my perception of immortality for a sec
basically its a spectrum with general categories (lvl5) literally can survive without a universe v (lvl4) no desire or requirement for human needs v (lvl3) no requirement for human needs v (lvl2) can die infinite times but has human needs v (lvl1) can die but hard to kill v (lvl0) can die (edited)
galacitc default is abt 4 until they find their home planet and then it drops to 2 as a result of being in a habitable environment (akin to living high up in mtns, then going down and living there, then not being able to tolerate less oxygen again)
eash ran etrel 07-May-22 04:42 PM
but the thing is im not sure what would make gold get down to lvl1 or 2 and when itd happen
we dont really have to have an explanation as it probably wouldnt be explained in canon either but idk its annoying me lol
eash ran etrel 07-May-22 05:04 PM
btw dump all the lore ideas you have so we have a space for it all to find easily
eash ran etrel 08-May-22 11:07 AM
i will soon
just gotta cleab
@jorp mlom nynx coet @loel drop everythint you know about the lore in general that isnt already here
Leo | 14 | all pronouns | 🌔 The Moonlark System BOT 08-May-22 11:12 AM
u h
we need to figure out the diff betwewn canon and non canon deaths in universe
jorp mlom nynx coet 08-May-22 11:24 AM
i want my character to have only one life before ghostifying and becoming the meddler of up and down
i was more talking about like in game deaths vs canon deaths, explained in universe, but tbh i was gonna ask that too at some point lol
jorp mlom nynx coet 08-May-22 11:39 AM
no i know what you meant
i only want to have one in game life,
it would be really funny if i just perish in some stupid way
well what im saying is like, game lives dont really exist, its just in game deaths
you have infinite in game lives in that sense
canon deaths are just deaths that make sense to deduct from your total, but then there's also more that i wanna do to distinguish them
jorp mlom nynx coet 08-May-22 11:40 AM
because theres no way to know your current number of lives without having counted down since your first death
and even then
youd just have to guess if one was canon or not
theres no in universe explanation for the difference between in game and canon deaths
jorp mlom nynx coet 08-May-22 11:42 AM
thats also why i want that
that = ??
jorp mlom nynx coet 08-May-22 11:43 AM
one death
cause i dont have to bullshitify a reason
yeah but other people dont have just one
so that doesnt fix the problem for other people
jorp mlom nynx coet 08-May-22 11:43 AM
thats why i like the trauma idea for galactics losing immortality
that doesnt make much sense + it doesnt solve the problem either
jorp mlom nynx coet 08-May-22 11:45 AM
well it makes sense to me
losing whats effectively a defense mechanism due to trauma doesnt make much sense, plus it just means they're not any more than lvl2
i mean yeah it could work
but my brain is just dying because it doesnt make logical sense to me
so they could still die
but like
they could have more lives still
jorp mlom nynx coet 08-May-22 11:46 AM
it makes sense to me for galactics to be so tired of the cycle of death that it goes away after some kind of breakdown
i mean yeah that makes sense but like my thing there is that its- sorry im watching the dsmp lore playlist and there are 4 people ringing a bell hold on
ok there lmao
so like
my thing there is that the cycle is just a fundamental part of being galactic
its like getting tired of breathing when you have a cough or something, sure its annoying and kinda painful but like itd be worse if you didnt do it
plus death would be something that's like, hard to get to
jorp mlom nynx coet 08-May-22 11:50 AM
i have idea
jorp mlom nynx coet 08-May-22 11:51 AM
what if between gold dying and gold coming back, gloww appears, and how they stay could be repeatedly killing gold's body?
kinda harsh but
an idea that makes some
i guess
im trying man
no thats an idea but my problem is it wouldnt allow for anything to really happen on gold's side
sure there'd be a bunch of deaths but in the end it'd just be like it was all a really terrible nightmare
jorp mlom nynx coet 08-May-22 11:53 AM
okay then idk what to do
ok well lets go back to the difference between in game and canon deaths then
so in game deaths are normally treated as a fact of playing the game, or in universe, a fact of life
it just happens sometimes, you lose your stuff, and respawn at your bed
but if you can quickly get back to where you died, your inventory might be jumbled up and you may have missed some stuff and lost some levels but overall you're back where you were
now if you think about how canon deaths are treated, it's treated as, well, you died, and you're one step closer to being in the liminalspace (equivalent of limbo) and being there forever, unless you somehow get revived
it's usually a traumatic event, and your stuff is less likely to be saved
you tend to spend a bit in liminal and then go back into the real world
the difference to an outsider would be hard to notice tho
plus what would trigger a canon death has always been hazy
eash ran etrel 08-May-22 12:32 PM
ig this fits here? canon groups gold aerin = cloud duo gold ash = goldenrod duo gold mim = galaxy duo gold ghost = key duo ash mim = cave duo gold ash mim = gloww trio gold aerin ghost = comfy trio
cloudduo bc cloud
goldenrod bc random idea i had thats kinda eh but like i like it as a name
key duo bc keysmash
cave duo bc it fits
comfy trio bc i feel like that fits
eash ran etrel 09-May-22 06:41 AM
@blob describe your canon character in literally as much detail as possible (and you cant compare them to anyone, pretend the reader doesnt know that person), im tryna organize stuff (edited)
ok i will after school just remind me
eash ran etrel 12-May-22 06:55 AM
yeah same
@blob (edited)
yes right
yes spelt like that
Leo | 14 | all pronouns | 🌔 The Moonlark System BOT 12-May-22 04:38 PM
im gonna be attaching some photos in order to help know what the look is
eash ran etrel 12-May-22 04:44 PM
will do soon
got chored
Leo | 14 | all pronouns | 🌔 The Moonlark System BOT 12-May-22 04:53 PM
ok heres the face shape, hair, and outfit
the glowwsmp planet has rings
eash ran etrel 12-May-22 07:34 PM
edited emoji :>>
eash ran etrel 12-May-22 07:34 PM
c!gold and c!ghost are 100% mutually adopted siblings and i will not take anything else for an answer
ealt of the eash 13-May-22 09:17 PM
yes hes yes
jorp mlom nynx coet 13-May-22 10:12 PM
cries in I wanna be involved but I know I'm also probably pretty much a lone wolf
i was thinking maybe including chiken in the lore but like before the story takes place
maybe we steal the moonlight lore of c!gold and c!mim of adopting chiken but in glowwsmp its more of a joke and not too serious
but then chiken decided one day to just go somewhere else
as in like different server
mmm i wanna make c!gold and c!ghost having grown up together to solidify siblingness but like c!gold being eternal kinda ruins that, maybe ill twist the template and make it so c!gold just sorta appeared one day as a small child lol (and is lvl3 immortal that gradually fades to lvl0 over time?)
btw i got bored and made a notion for it lol so you can edit stuff if you want (lmk if its even possible lol)
eash ran etrel 14-May-22 07:28 AM
same here
ok so like. i wanna plan out the lore before its all acted out because then its more coherent, but the thing is then i dont know how to get natural conflict and story to start
and there arent really any examples of that either bc dsmp wasnt planned out at the beginning, it was just people having fun competition and then started roleplaying it
and i also feel like we definitely need more people but w h o
i also feel like some characters need redesigning
theres too much anxiety and kindness for anything to happen
people need more flaws as well as other traits than can be taken advantage of
like we need more variety, and people who cope with things in other ways than just shutting down or letting it stop them
Leo | 14 | all pronouns | 🌔 The Moonlark System BOT 14-May-22 09:00 AM
I just realized i like havent explained c!whateverthefhernameis
Leo | 14 | all pronouns | 🌔 The Moonlark System BOT 14-May-22 09:00 AM
thank you
ok do that
Leo | 14 | all pronouns | 🌔 The Moonlark System BOT 14-May-22 09:00 AM
Leo | 14 | all pronouns | 🌔 The Moonlark System BOT 14-May-22 09:10 AM
can I have examples of explanations i have no idea what im doing
or maybe a template or something
thats old but yea
Leo | 14 | all pronouns | 🌔 The Moonlark System BOT 14-May-22 09:13 AM
thank you
so like the point i was tryna get at earlier is like
people's anxiety etc is too strong for any conflict to happen lore thing (edited)
and if conflict does happen its just sad and tbh kinda boring
Click to see attachment 🖼️
Leo | 14 | all pronouns | 🌔 The Moonlark System
thank you
@loel have anything yet?
- dont mind me taking the thing i put in the notion and putting it here bc yes ok so i feel like we need - anxiety stuff - someone who’s anxious all the time and doesnt wanna pick sides but is forced to, but can be very good at things if anxiety doesnt make it worse - think c!ranboo - this’ll probably be c!gold - someone who internalizes everything and pushes their problems aside, distracting themselves with some feeling of control - think c!tubbo - someone who literally cant handle their problems and seeks for other people to help them through it, all while trying to pretend like they dont have problems by changing the subject and just denying it and only actually dealing with their problems when directly faced with it or when they cant think about anything else - think c!tommy ish - someone who doesnt really have many problems (ones they have are easy to emotionally cope with) but has other weaknesses unrelated to anxiety and emotional coping - c!aerin? - someone who tells nobody about their problems and just copes with them individually without letting anyone know anything’s wrong, but you can probably tell if you get to know them - c!ghost probably - make more pls - prioritization stuff - someone who looks for control and is possessive, but never gets it, but instead of giving up/seeing that it wont happen, they just get worse and their desire for power becomes a significant flaw, usually dismissive, close minded, eager, controlling, possessive, etc - c!ash - someone who’s the exact opposite of the above - selfless, just wants to make other people happy, easily pressured into something, open minded, hesitant, etc - c!ghost? bytzi? - someone who prioritizes themselves and is guilty about it, wants to make everyone happy but so hesitant to sacrifice themselves that they end up not making a decision and then might regret it, often struggles to make any sort of choice but will hesitantly go with a trusted person + powerful/respected person if they make a decision, easily pressured - c!gold probably - someone who prioritizes themselves and is confident in it, does things for their own benefit but will help anyone if it has no negative effect on themselves, not quick to hold grudges and considers interpersonal loyalty more important than group loyalty - think c!eret - c!aerin? - prioritizes (not necessarily values) group loyalty over interpersonal loyalty but still holds it at a high priority - feels guilty betraying friends but for whatever reason (pressure, safety, etc) tends to stay with their parent group, really bad at coping with leaving people behind so tends to stick to people they’re friendly with and trust, clingy and sometimes thats a flaw - think c!tubbo - bytzi? - prioritizes people they like and doesn’t mind people they’re not supposed to like too much, tends to stick around their friend group and isn’t really aware of conflict, or anything for that matter, because of this a lot of people see them as just an oblivious person and gets a bit infantilized but knows more than people think - think ghostbur - make more pls - personality stuff having a good combination of these and not having lots lots of similarities will help conflict be more interesting, having a bunch of people who’re just the same generally in their anxiety, coping mechanisms, response to conflict, prioritization, etc just makes it so nothing happens and everyone’s friendly with each other, and that’s not what we want we’ll also 100% need more people but im not sure who lore thing (edited)
forgot to mention btw
Leo | 14 | all pronouns | 🌔 The Moonlark System BOT 14-May-22 12:56 PM
yeah okay gimme a sec to write it out
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glob ↩️
Reply to: @loel have anything yet?
forgot to mention btw
i want people to start off kinda as like a blank slate traumawise lore thing (edited)
Leo | 14 | all pronouns | 🌔 The Moonlark System BOT 14-May-22 12:57 PM
like specific things that have elaborate reasoning i wanna be explained as the story happens
and not having started before the story
so death wouldnt be a trigger for gold yet, itll just be a squick that only becomes apparent when death is a risk
but after something happens then it might become a trigger lore thing (edited)
Leo | 14 | all pronouns | 🌔 The Moonlark System BOT 14-May-22 01:00 PM
c!aerin bottles up emotions and problems, not afraid to betray friends if it is for a good reason. values group loyalty, but will double cross if it is for a person they like. Prioritizes other's health over own, but not good at giving advice and is pretty awkward when it comes to anxiety and panick attacks. Very reserved to the outside world, but when you get to know her, they open up a bit
triggers: death
triggers happen later obv
jorp mlom nynx coet 14-May-22 01:01 PM
now i wanna write meddler lore
Leo | 14 | all pronouns | 🌔 The Moonlark System BOT 14-May-22 01:02 PM
oh yeah also im changing Aerins pronouns to she/they/it
eash ran etrel 14-May-22 01:07 PM
im not sure if i wanna call it glowwsmp
for a few reasons
1 i dont really want it to have smp in its name that much
2 having gloww in the name feels centered around ghostgloww
and thats really it lol
sorta like how hermitcraft is just hermitcraft
but like idr want the -craft suffix either
glob started a thread. 26-May-22 06:55 PM
glob started a thread. 26-May-22 07:33 PM
its annoying me how little variety there is in canon personalities
like everyone's someone whos quiet
and everyone but aerin is too anxious to do anything
so like
nothings gonna happen
everyones too nice and too anxious (edited)
everyones too nice and too anxious (edited)
jorp mlom nynx coet 26-May-22 07:53 PM
c!bytzi's probably not as nice as they want to be
still idk
yeah but btyzi's anxiety sorta cancels it out
you can tell that they just said something that they dont mean in the way it may be recieved
eash ran etrel 26-May-22 07:55 PM
c!ash has been changed as of now to be very extroverted and pushy with everyone except c!gold and c!gloww, and the anxiety is less bad
the anxiety is fear of being taken advantage of bc of its past, so instead theure this really pushy, powerful figure
the anxiety rarely shows
think kinda like c!dream before the whole prison arc, in the way of quite controlling (edited)
eash ran etrel
think kinda like c!dream before the whole prison arc, in the way of quite controlling (edited)
alr well like who would enable them
you cant really be manipulative effectively in a way that's fun without there being some sort of conflict
like for example abuser is in a conflict with person and abuser convinces victim to be on their side
or abuser is in a conflict with victim but convinces victim its not that bad and that theyre friends
eash ran etrel 26-May-22 08:19 PM
i kinda feel like they are just flat out rude to other people , and end up gaslighting c!gold/c!gloww
gaslighting them into believing what specifically?
ok so
i wanna do a thing
but the person who plays the character will have to do their respective ones
take this list
{gold,gold} {gold,gloww} {gold,ghost} {gold,ash} {gold,bytzi} {gold,aerin} {gloww,gold} {gloww,gloww} {gloww,ghost} {gloww,ash} {gloww,bytzi} {gloww,aerin} {ghost,gold} {ghost,gloww} {ghost,ghost} {ghost,ash} {ghost,bytzi} {ghost,aerin} {ash,gold} {ash,gloww} {ash,ghost} {ash,ash} {ash,bytzi} {ash,aerin} {bytzi,gold} {bytzi,gloww} {bytzi,ghost} {bytzi,ash} {bytzi,bytzi} {bytzi,aerin} {aerin,gold} {aerin,gloww} {aerin,ghost} {aerin,ash} {aerin,bytzi} {aerin,aerin}
imagine it like this
p1 -> p2 from p1's perspective, explain how they feel about p2 and their relationship
gaslighting them into believing what specifically?
eash ran etrel 26-May-22 08:26 PM
that c!ash could do no bad, and by being rude to others, c!ash is protecting c!gold
p1 -> p2 from p1's perspective, explain how they feel about p2 and their relationship
eash ran etrel 26-May-22 08:26 PM
will do this later, but im lazy lmao[
gold -> gold: sees self as selfish but knows its due to anxiety, still feels really guilty tho gold -> gloww: mixed feelings. gloww is just, so much better than them, and they understand why everyone likes gloww more - gloww doesnt have all of gold's problems. but then again, they are gloww, but not, so like?? gold -> ghost: ghost is like gold's role model in a way, not an idolized one tho; like ghost is just. really cool. and yeah they have their problems, but theyve like, actually found ways to deal with them gold -> ash: ash is cool, like gold wants to be like them, a lot, but also theyre intimidating - the longer they interact the more mixed the feelings get until its just a solid color of confusion gold -> bytzi: bytzi is like. the one person gold feels like they can actually talk about bad things that happened, and theyre pretty close - theyre like each other's escape from everything and they share everything with each other (at least from golds perspective, mim can decide what bytzi does and doesnt share) gold -> aerin: aerins just sorta a person gold doesnt feel like theyre on a similar enough wavelength to be close friends with, but they relate in certain ways like being minorities so they talk about stuff like that - theyre friendly but not enough to know personal stuff
eash ran etrel
will do this later, but im lazy lmao[
youre not gonna end up doing it if you dont do it now and we both know that lol
eash ran etrel 26-May-22 08:49 PM
remind me tomorrow after 2:40 bc i need to sleep now and im being forced to go to school tomorrow
{gold,gold} {gold,gloww} {gold,ghost} {gold,ash} {gold,bytzi} {gold,aerin} {gloww,gold} {gloww,gloww} {gloww,ghost} {gloww,ash} {gloww,bytzi} {gloww,aerin} {ghost,gold} {ghost,gloww} {ghost,ghost} {ghost,ash} {ghost,bytzi} {ghost,aerin} {ash,gold} {ash,gloww} {ash,ghost} {ash,ash} {ash,bytzi} {ash,aerin} {bytzi,gold} {bytzi,gloww} {bytzi,ghost} {bytzi,ash} {bytzi,bytzi} {bytzi,aerin} {aerin,gold} {aerin,gloww} {aerin,ghost} {aerin,ash} {aerin,bytzi} {aerin,aerin}
jorp mlom nynx coet 26-May-22 09:49 PM
bytzi,gold - feels a need to protect void and sometimed might end up getting a little too close for comfort, or outright ignoring aem out of fear, but trying xyr hardest bytzi,gloww - still thinking bytzi,ghost - idk much about ghost's character bytzi,ash - acts bitter towards it knowing they've hurt gold but also has an unhealthy obsession with them because of how much gold interacts with them bytzi,bytzi - hates byteself for their problems but ends up using that to fuel their problems which already result from his self hate
thank_you_asl 1
btw, i wanna have someone close to c!gold, (bytzi/ghost, maybe ash) have mixed feelings towards gloww bc gloww isnt the gold theyve learned to know
like with c!tubbo and ghostboo
aerin -> gold: good person to them, but doesn't hang out a lot with them aerin -> gloww: doesn't know them like at all (seriously who tf is gloww) aerin -> ghost: doesn't really have a relationship with Ghost, but is nice to them if they bump into each other aerin -> ash: ash is okay, doesn't really enjoy being around them but puts up with it, won't go out of her way to avoid ash aerin -> bytzi: Doesn't know them much, but likes to hang out with them aerin -> aerin: feels like they cause problems, but knows it isn't true
eash ran etrel
will do this later, but im lazy lmao[
do it when you see this, no exceptions unless you abs have to in which case tell me :>>
mm but hear me out ash killing gold and then being like 'oh. oh shit-' and having a breakdown
eash ran etrel 28-May-22 09:11 AM
i made a for ghostgloww and got carried away with the neos
glo/glow/glows/glows/glowself star/stars/starsy/starsy/starself gho/ghost/ghosts/ghosts/ghostself li/light/lights/lights/lightself cel/celeste/celestial/celestial/celestialself end/ender/enders/enders/enderself wis/wisp/wisps/wisps/wispself ae/aer/aer/aers/aerself vy/vyr/vyrs/vyrs/vyrself nov/nova/novas/novas/novaself ny/nym/nyms/nyms/nymself ly/lyr/lyra/lyras/lyraself spi/space/spaces/spaces/spaceself ⭐️/⭐️/⭐️'s/⭐️'s/⭐️self 💫/💫/💫's/💫's/💫self 🪐/🪐/🪐's/🪐's/🪐self galaxy/galaxy/galaxy's/galaxy's/galaxyself starlight/starlight/starlight's/starlight's/starlightself uni/verse/verses/verses/univerself orb/orbit/orbits/orbits/orbitself ast/astral/astrals/astrals/astralself ast/aster/asters/asters/asterself xy/galaxy/galactics/galactics/galaxyself ver/verse/universe/universes/universeself star/stardust/stardusts/stardusts/stardustself
yea uh thats a lot lol
c!aerin wears a flower crown /hj
Leo | 14 | all pronouns | 🌔 The Moonlark System BOT 29-May-22 06:29 PM
c!raine needs a reason it cant just be killed off or thrown out
more than just c!gold's attachment
eash ran etrel 30-May-22 06:28 PM
when c!ash dies, their ghost goes by storm
opinions on a coded currency system instead of/along with physical objects
jorp mlom nynx coet 31-May-22 06:05 PM
idr like it
makes sense
i do wanna code it tho
just for fun
ghost drew c!ghost
how good aould craine be at analyzing emltions
i kinda want craine to unsettle gold by psychoanalyzing them
but like maybe not entirely acurately
"youre scared bc x" well yes but?mostly of craine lol
1am?thlghts with gold
and no im not piroritizing sppelint lol
c!raine needs a reason it cant just be killed off or thrown out
bump ^^
@everyone we simply will not get anywhere if nobody responds p l e a s e lmao
Leo | 14 | all pronouns | 🌔 The Moonlark System BOT 14-Jun-22 03:43 PM
jorp mlom nynx coet 14-Jun-22 03:43 PM
sorry I honestly only half care about this rn tbh and I don't have much to say /nm /lh /neu
eash ran etrel 14-Jun-22 04:47 PM
was busy
alr well
c!raine needs a reason it cant just be killed off or thrown out
eash ran etrel 14-Jun-22 04:49 PM
idk i cant think of anything rn
seed maybe
ide ai almost forgot abt
new name for smp
and name for the planet
eash ran etrel 16-Jun-22 06:41 AM
o.o i like
c!raine needs a reason it cant just be killed off or thrown out
eash ran etrel 17-Jun-22 10:01 AM
it's not supposed to be immortal, but maybe a curse so that they can't die completely until x happens? idk just spouting random shit
they could just throw xem out stlll
eash ran etrel 17-Jun-22 10:49 AM
but now xe cant be killed off
i was thinking a way to make them necessary, not a way to make them stuck
like how c!dream has the revival book, for example - it keeps him necessary
eash ran etrel 17-Jun-22 10:59 AM
here to point out that c!gold is just like their name implies - valuable, and easy to bend under pressure, but not shatter :>
easy to dent and stuff
eash ran etrel 17-Jun-22 07:11 PM
oh yeAH
and yes im planning on using that
help i kinda want gold to run away from raine one day and just go to bytzi and ghost and raines just like wtf
ok so hear me out c!raine, in the heat of the moment, gets c!gold to shut up by pushing them off something and into water and raine not noticing, and/or forcing smth like a pillow over golds face and not letting off basically, as a result, gold is terrified of all forms of suffocation :>
aND gold doesnt blame ash for any of it :>>>
also btw galactic water physical damage thing, yeah no screw that, im making it how i experience it irl, basically its just percieved burning and stuff as if like, scratching that doesnt do any noticable damage except for skin irritation
so its just percieved pain
no physical damage
and it goes away after being in water for a bit
and its more ow if the water has a temp shock like hot or cold
ok so hear me out c!raine, in the heat of the moment, gets c!gold to shut up by pushing them off something and into water and raine not noticing, and/or forcing smth like a pillow over golds face and not letting off basically, as a result, gold is terrified of all forms of suffocation :>
adding onto this, cold + wet and warm + humid is triggering (drowning and suffocation respectively)
same for heavy air
also is claustrophobic when alone
also gives off "why does my life have to be the one with all the strings attached and who even has the fucking strings" energy
please guys force this into your brain as a special interest /hj
ok so hear me out c!raine, in the heat of the moment, gets c!gold to shut up by pushing them off something and into water and raine not noticing, and/or forcing smth like a pillow over golds face and not letting off basically, as a result, gold is terrified of all forms of suffocation :>
bonus points if it happens multiple times and each time it happens gold starts to just let it happen
tbh idk if gold'd actually end up drowning but its some trauma to play with
i really like the idea hjsdjkgh
ah yes thank you wikipedia
risk factors for drowning: access to water
so helpful
never couldve gussed
not me learning about drowning
like ok
drowning? heart go AAAAAAAAAAA cold? heart go ...a...a...a...a... drowning in cold water? heart go AAAAa...aaAAAA.aa.a...A>>A.>a..a.>a.A>>A...
im just gonna note stuff here screw it
heat go bye in water, also cold waters really bad and most waters cold
basically drowning in cold water = body goes into panic mode and conflicts with itself
also cold shock triggers uncontrollable hyperventilation while general drowning makes vocal folds go protect mode so not much water gets into lungs
so like. breathing is chaos
also blood vessels go smol
when breathe = no (actu. when co2 go brr, "breathe=no" bc o2 used and co2 waste, and co2 stay bc no exhale) cause hyperventilation bc then co2 go bye (not good if no co2 but not good if lots of co2, need balance) heart go brr blood pressure up heart inconsistent reasoning go down fine motor control go down if lots of co2, brain go ???? + irrational + fight or flight + blood tube go big so heat + headache
fuck it flowchart time
ok so basically
basically, pov you're c!gold, except explained without panic (cw for drowning desc) panic cold panic cold aaa air?? panic. cold. x3+ aIR PLS nope thats water actually [vocal flap shield time] [heart go brr inconsistently] im eating the water now wtf why is breathing so hard i mean yeah well theres water everywhere but like i cant even inhale that what oh well now im hyperventilating swim out? nope body says no, also is tingly thats not good cOLDDDD wait ok which ways up- [its obvious, but brain't] i feel like im burning but like im also fucking *co ld * [brain feelings + water ow + blood lots internal] ok well cant see much now thats probably not good and now im just tired actually, thats. thats not great ok please which way is up wtf what even is up oh, well im just fuzzy static now, thats not great, ohp there i go (edited)
im so good at this, "ohp there i go", best description of dyingish ever /s /t
i should sleep
yeah thats probably a good idea
ok but before i do that
im gonna ask for responses and stuff
brain wants dopamine
help i kinda want gold to run away from raine one day and just go to bytzi and ghost and raines just like wtf
so like from here down if thas ok hsfjkg
anway uh gn
@everyone get pinged
i require validation /lh (edited)
eash ran etrel 19-Jun-22 08:07 PM
is pog
i got bored and wrote stuff for concept im self conscious of my writing so take it but spoilered (also in screenshots bc coloring matters for it)
Image attachment
Image attachment
eash ran etrel 19-Jun-22 10:05 PM
and then also this lol
Image attachment
i like the "and the despite every instinct screaming x" thing
also im very good at titling things /t
also i kinda wanna use o! or ov! for orbitverse characters and have c! characters be like, templates
eash ran etrel 19-Jun-22 10:25 PM
@jorp mlom nynx coet mim im getting you to react to the last 2 days of messages bc i need validation (pref like,, responding to individual / groups of messages) /nf /lh
screw it playlist time
yall make a playlist for your ov characters (edited)
yes im forcing you /hj
@jorp mlom nynx coet mim im getting you to react to the last 2 days of messages bc i need validation (pref like,, responding to individual / groups of messages) /nf /lh
jorp mlom nynx coet 20-Jun-22 09:36 AM
i really like the writing but I don't have much to say about the other stuff /pos
handstim 1
@eash ran etrel how does storm act
i got bored
i imagine o!gloww popping up and treating o!raine with "lol fuck you" energy lmao
@eash ran etrel how does storm act
eash ran etrel 21-Jun-22 06:33 AM
picture ghostboo, then make him really combative
so really nice but also willing to fight and protect
eash ran etrel 21-Jun-22 10:40 AM
eash ran etrel 21-Jun-22 12:11 PM
really bad quality image of o!raine
eash ran etrel
picture ghostboo, then make him really combative
i kinda feel like storm'd be a bit more like ghostbur if that makes sense, so maybe that + quiet and appears ignorant but really just,, not told abt stuff?
just ideas
i kinda feel like storm'd be a bit more like ghostbur if that makes sense, so maybe that + quiet and appears ignorant but really just,, not told abt stuff?
eash ran etrel 22-Jun-22 07:40 AM
o.o yea good point
HI analogy time
life is strange spoilers
(also big tw) when you're like, stuck inbetween realities, yk like the part where everyone's looking for you, you sit down in the snowglobe, everyone's texting you stuff like "dont forget to remind them you let me die" "theres no reality you can hide now" "loved your photo shoot with jefferson" (context: the referenced photo shoot was uh. borderline child porn and drugged unconsenting models. i say borderline because the victims were 18, so technically an adult, but holy shit /vneg) anyway thats how i imagine liminalspace to an extent
o!bytzi definitely gets pissed at c!ash at some point and just like "im gonna fucking murder you" ahhsdhdh
eash ran etrel 14-Jul-22 08:44 AM
hear me out lovejoy oh yeah you gonna cry pov o!bytzi you = o!ash girlfriend = o!gold bg vocals ("no good!") = o!ghost
eash ran etrel 14-Jul-22 05:59 PM
﹢﹒╴gold ⊹ ࣪.₊* they/glow/void/ender+ ⸤⸢✨⸥⸣ BOT 14-Jul-22 10:13 PM
idea o!gloww is really pissed at what o!raine did to o!gold and is trying to do now to o!gloww, and o!bytzi is too but is too anxious and awkward to do anything, but o!gloww is like fuck that let's do something we'll be fine
﹢﹒╴gloww ⊹ ࣪.₊* they/it/glow/star+ ⸤⸢✨⸥⸣ BOT 14-Jul-22 10:13 PM
﹢﹒╴gold ⊹ ࣪.₊* they/glow/void/ender+ ⸤⸢✨⸥⸣ BOT 14-Jul-22 10:13 PM
﹢﹒╴gloww ⊹ ࣪.₊* they/it/glow/star+ ⸤⸢✨⸥⸣ BOT 14-Jul-22 10:13 PM
please let me murder
i wanna commit orbitverse mjruder
﹢﹒╴gold ⊹ ࣪.₊* they/glow/void/ender+ ⸤⸢✨⸥⸣ BOT 14-Jul-22 10:13 PM
ok maybe
﹢﹒╴gloww ⊹ ࣪.₊* they/it/glow/star+ ⸤⸢✨⸥⸣ BOT 14-Jul-22 10:14 PM
YES (edited)
﹢﹒╴gold ⊹ ࣪.₊* they/glow/void/ender+ ⸤⸢✨⸥⸣ BOT 14-Jul-22 11:01 PM
o!gloww glitches sometimes because of the whole o!gold immortal thing
﹢﹒╴gloww ⊹ ࣪.₊* they/it/glow/star+ ⸤⸢✨⸥⸣ BOT 14-Jul-22 11:01 PM
oh god am i gonna start gliutching now
﹢﹒╴gold ⊹ ࣪.₊* they/glow/void/ender+ ⸤⸢✨⸥⸣ BOT 14-Jul-22 11:01 PM
also o!gloww's depressed
﹢﹒╴gloww ⊹ ࣪.₊* they/it/glow/star+ ⸤⸢✨⸥⸣ BOT 14-Jul-22 11:02 PM
eash ran etrel 14-Jul-22 11:09 PM
ayyy your favorite sleep deprived child is here!
no i cant sleep
﹢﹒╴gold ⊹ ࣪.₊* they/glow/void/ender+ ⸤⸢✨⸥⸣ BOT 14-Jul-22 11:09 PM
stop youre gonna make me wanna stay awake and i have to get up at 6:30 aggressive_cry /nsrs /aff
eash ran etrel
no i cant sleep
eash ran etrel 14-Jul-22 11:09 PM
it feels like im being stabbed if i breathe too hard
﹢﹒╴gold ⊹ ࣪.₊* they/glow/void/ender+ ⸤⸢✨⸥⸣ BOT 14-Jul-22 11:10 PM
mm we love that /s
eash ran etrel 14-Jul-22 11:11 PM
the only way to get rid of some of the pain is if i move my chest in a way that dysphoria the reason i bring it up in here is i want o!rainestorm (raine but ghost) to have a fear of being stabbed (this will probably come from a death of them or a friend)
well imma try to sleep now
goodnight_alt 1
﹢﹒╴gold ⊹ ࣪.₊* they/glow/void/ender+ ⸤⸢✨⸥⸣ BOT 14-Jul-22 11:13 PM
orbitverse playlists sharing links: gloww ghost aerin ash/raine bytzi gold collab invite link: gloww ghost aerin ash/raine bytzi gold
goldstargloww · Playlist · 23 songs
goldstargloww · Playlist · 9 songs
goldstargloww · Playlist · 0 songs
goldstargloww · Playlist · 13 songs
goldstargloww · Playlist · 13 songs · 1 likes
glob pinned a message to this channel. 14-Jul-22 11:13 PM
idea raine exiled dies alone nibidy knowshand ine dayhthey go lookhand find storm really apologetic zand seufhating and depressed
one hand
juse didnt wanna fizrget
eash ran etrel 15-Jul-22 11:14 AM
like- raine is exiled after everyone finds out about their toxicity to gold and then dies alone out there, storm has no way to get back after he gets there, so when someone goes to find raine they find storm
im thinking finale (ajr)lfor ghe song
eash ran etrel 15-Jul-22 11:37 AM
and at the bridge is when it switches to storm
(ie "can you wait a sec?")
eash ran etrel 15-Jul-22 11:37 AM
o.o yea
and also storm hates themself for everything raine did :>
eash ran etrel 15-Jul-22 11:39 AM
yes angst trauma for fictional characters
esp for the antagonists
eash ran etrel 15-Jul-22 11:40 AM
eash ran etrel 15-Jul-22 08:14 PM
eash ran etrel 17-Jul-22 05:26 PM
c!storm considers the color purple too much like c!raine so it prefers the colorsngreen and yellow
eash ran etrel 17-Jul-22 05:43 PM
@glob can you resend the playlist invite links for me
﹢﹒╴gold ⊹ ࣪.₊* they/glow/void/ender+ ⸤⸢✨⸥⸣ BOT 17-Jul-22 05:50 PM
Author icon
﹢﹒╴gold ⊹ ࣪.₊* they/glow/void/ender+ ⸤⸢✨⸥⸣ ↩️
Reply to: orbitverse playlists sharing links: gloww ghost aerin ash/raine bytzi gold collab … 📎
eash ran etrel 17-Jul-22 06:08 PM
it said thelinks were invalid
jorp mlom nynx coet 17-Jul-22 08:25 PM
wait nvm
\i do wanna let yall know that like. i'm not at all planning to actually start the whole smp and publicizing part of orbitverse for a while, and by a while i mean like months to a year or more ish i'm thinking of this as more of like a tubnet ish thing ig?? like for tubbo tubnet started off as just an idea that he started theorizing about and then he actually got stuff together and only made it public when he was ready, and many many things probably changed in that time, i'm thinking of making orbitverse a still very vaguely scripted out thing (all we have so far is very basic) and i wanna leave plenty of room for natural progression and improv like dsmp does literally all we have for orbitverse is the following: c!ghost+c!gold adopted siblings, c!ash trauma survivor and manipulative as a result but doesnt mean to be and is severely overprotective of c!gold, c!gold and c!bytzi being really close friends but c!bytzi is jealous and resentful of c!ash, and c!aerin is in the background maybe pulling some c!erets every now and then c!gold is being abused by c!ash (c!ash telling c!gold everyone's wrong and out to get them, and they both are isolated), if people can tell they have reasons (likely anxiety) for not stepping in, c!ash accidentally drowns c!gold in some way, c!gloww and c!bytzi have a common goal in punishing c!ash, c!ash gets sent off alone and dies and they get checked up on and find c!storm instead who is incredibly apologetic and doesn't feel safe and accepted that is literally it it kinda sounds like a lot but it really isn't - sure there's some more intricate things but those'll probably be so minor it doesn't matter if we note them down, so trivial that they happen anyway, or will be changed in the future if we come up with better ideas, we can do some reworking of the vague story - if we come up with additional ideas, we might be able to add them but overall i want it to be vague! i want the world itself to be developed naturally, locations and mechanisms can be developed on their own - i just want a very basic story, and as the world fleshes itself out, that's when i wanna get into more specific things, like how dsmp does their lore rn now ok why did i bring all this up?? well basically there's this thing called miscommunication that i'd like to avoid and ive noticed that assumptions are indeed a thing and uh this is what im imagining hSJKGF mostly i want it to be so vague right now is because im simply not ready for the big stuff yet just in any way actually, i'd rather get used to streaming first and stuff and also actually have people not have so many limitations both set by law and parents i really don't mind if we lose motivation, we'll get it back. i don't care how much we change about the story because if you have a draft then prepare for inconsistency between each version of the story honestly please feel free and please do make your own more sophisticated lore! please go and work on any ideas you might have and fork off of the original idea :D it's just that for a group project i really don't wanna plan everything out right away just to find all these plotholes and disagreements and overall scuffedness of it all - it's a lot harder to do group projects than it is to do projects alone due to miscommunications and different ideas, so keeping it very vague when we have no medium is probably the best all of this is just to be completely clear :D @blob pleaseeee say your thoughts on all of this. if there's one differing thought you have or idea or concern or anything please i wanna hear it, istg i will ping you relentlessly until you respond to my satisfaction lmaO /lit /lh /msrs even if it's just a "for x - yeah agreed thats just exactly what i think" or "i kinda like y but honestly x might be better" or literally anything, please just pick this apart and tell me everything you think because we need ✨ communication ✨
@blob ^
eash ran etrel 18-Jul-22 07:26 PM
idk it just took me forever to process but i agree
imma write a whole big lore for raine/storm bc i wanna have chatacter traits/past/interests/dislikes fleshed out but i am open to changing stuff to fit the main story in the future
storm hurts gloww bc rain water stuffs
coincidence eith symboLism :ooo :D
eash ran etrel 20-Jul-22 03:52 PM
jorp mlom nynx coet 20-Jul-22 04:01 PM
ive decided my character no longer goes by bytzi and goes by all my names instead
jorp mlom nynx coet 20-Jul-22 04:01 PM
because it confuses me sometimes
also have you updated your pronouns page
jorp mlom nynx coet 20-Jul-22 04:02 PM
nope lmao
jorp mlom nynx coet 20-Jul-22 04:02 PM
imma do that ig
eash ran etrel 20-Jul-22 04:23 PM
jorp mlom nynx coet 10-Aug-22 06:05 PM
pk;s @loel
PluralKit BOT 10-Aug-22 06:05 PM
🌔 The Moonlark System
Linked accounts
Moonlarkstargloww#2118 (@loel)
Members (39)
(see pk;system iqflz list or pk;system iqflz list full)
In a relationship with: Kalea (romantic/queerplatonic) [singlet]
Ash/Raine|12|They/He/Xe/It BOT 10-Aug-22 06:06 PM
this is lore stuff
jorp mlom nynx coet 10-Aug-22 06:06 PM
pks iqflz list
Leo | 14 | all pronouns | 🌔 The Moonlark System BOT 10-Aug-22 06:06 PM
no i need to update that ahh it still says im in a relationship with Kalea
my brain headcanons for orbitverse (all names are chararcters unless specified otheriwse) - raine abuses gold and accidentally pushes them into some body of water (probably a lake) and gold drowns. comet argues with raine about this, having seen their best friend be murdered, ghostgloww appears and stops the argument quite threateningly yet treating it less seriously than it maybe should - at some point, raine dies after being pretty much kicked out, maybe suicide, regardless storm doesnt remember much at all and when they do remember it's mainly flashbacks of bad memories. storm becomes self hating because of what they did when they were alive, and at some point everyone else finds storm and they interact in some way idfk but storm does just panic once they see them bytzi has since name changed to comet or maybe amethyst general ideas: and when gold dies: needed ideas: relationship/opinion shit: (edited)
jorp mlom nynx coet 18-Dec-22 10:24 PM
btw my character doesnt go by bytzi anymore
rn just stick with comet, maybe amethyst
﹢﹒╴gold ⊹ ࣪.₊* they/glow/void/ender+ ⸤⸢🌠⸥⸣ BOT 18-Dec-22 10:25 PM
jorp mlom nynx coet 18-Dec-22 10:26 PM
weird idea idk exactly how to word but ill try
so (this probably happens before the beginning but it may become relevant) after some sort of near death experience, probably either a suicide attempt or from fire(like my msmp character lol), c!comet feels like a part of him died split off, that part holding what's basically a god complex, thinking they're immortal and shit and can't be stopped (because of the weird logic of "if i didnt die then, i don't even know what could kill me, must be nothing and i am unstoppable"), and it has to live with these conflicting feelings of knowing they're mortal and probably actually pretty easy to kill, but also feeling unreasonably confident that they'd be willing to take risks way too easily (//talk of suicide/death and i guess mania? idk
i hope this makes as much sense as it does in my brain
kind of like the difference between phoe and graylo id say
﹢﹒╴gold ⊹ ࣪.₊* they/glow/void/ender+ ⸤⸢🌠⸥⸣ BOT 18-Dec-22 10:34 PM
makes sense yeah
i need to update the orbitverse playlists hold on
right screw this im pointing out lyrics i think particularly fit each character
jorp mlom nynx coet 18-Dec-22 10:42 PM
wip character designs
its like idk if ill finish today
left is normal, right is god complex bullshit.
the long typing is scaring me for some reason-
imma take a shower noq lolz
gloww: and hey, you / don't you think it's kind of cute / that i died right inside your arms tonight / that i'm fine even after i have died / that i tried to escape the afterlife / that i tried to get back in your arms alive / that i died in your arms that night you've been living the dream, you're always going far / and there's no need to chase them cause you are the stars i'll always be right by your side / it's always see you later, it's never goodbye that is the reason why they wouldn't listen / everything that i have said is a given i guess she didn't know how to treat me right / because i can't recall where i slept that night can't remember passing out with her hand in mine / i remember waking up with my mind repaired i wanna be a 3d ghost in your dream / smell of burning... but we don't know how many lives it took, no / they'll never know what you knew and we're so calm but we're (fucking scared, fucking scared) [x3] / and we're so calm but we're fucking scared of people like you under the weight of some sertraline / a couple prozacs and now i'm pumping dopamine there must be more to this the treadmill still looms / with your hedonic misuse so, come on, one and all, and see the apathy i look to all of you and see a different fucking species / aspiration for a different destination to me i would do something if it wasn't all so effortful / cause i'm so high, my brain can't even look at the fall / and when you've reached the top there's nowhere else to go but --- any more words? i think you've spoke enough you're spitting spite as fast as saliva i hope the saltwater ruins your clothes / and i hope you spend the rest ' your life sleeping alone / i hope the problems that make your life harder / sit stubborn in your stomach like your kidney stones / and yet... but i'm still here, i'm not leaving you won't get what you need / you know it's always the same, it's all just a game, if i had it my way, you'd sleep on the concrete / floor, what'd you say to me? / cause i'm not sure / i'm not sure they'd let you off easily it's a pissed off march up to bus stop station / with pissed up eyes glossed with early conversations / and the consequence of your desperation / is the people on the night bus have to listen to you and all i'm saying is / how can you look at yourself in the windowpane / without wanting to hit yourself, / but your fist descends through the condensation? i'm sure that your heart's in the right place my mother says you're up your own ass / like stagehand, a puppet show / but hell, what does she know? you're a man of few needs / little sleep, thoughts are deep / sound as good with slurred speech as i do when i'm sober he's always right, you're never right / get me out of here / cause you're just scared / you're just scared of the future i guess this makes you right it's up to you, right? deciding the night / isn't over but fight just to make sure the song does just imagine being human, hating your confusion / denying til it's proven, laughing at illusion / thinking institution's the solution / while tyranny and irony float in its pollution imagine reducing yourself to your name / janet, you've got no one else you can blame / you've stuck all your conscience inside of your brain / so now you just shoot stuff inside of your veins / so go ahead and find your meaning / with your methamphetamine / and once you can see that you've trapped all your grace / maybe you'll join me, and girl, we can race off beat heartbeat i've been here sixty years and i'm still not bored / there's absolutely nothing that i can't afford / and i've found that almost everything is made of cardboard / and there's absolutely nothing i can't sing with weird chords i'll fly under no conditions teach myself complete submission / while i grant myself complete permission (edited)
jorp mlom nynx coet 18-Dec-22 11:06 PM
yay I know most of thesee jdndjddn
okay that was casper-
chill out, cas
﹢﹒╴gold ⊹ ࣪.₊* they/glow/void/ender+ ⸤⸢🌠⸥⸣ BOT 18-Dec-22 11:06 PM
playlists are in pins
*˚⁀`* Casper& ┊ All Prns ┊ Little *˚⁀`* ☄💎 Comet Shard BOT 18-Dec-22 11:07 PM
i knooww i just get rlly excited over songz
. these little words, somehow they're changing us so we let our shadows fall away like dust when we grew up, our shadows grew up too / but they're just old ghosts that we grew attached to she's always asking, "am i alright?" / as if auspicious or in my pint and yes you always do that one thing / when you wrinkle up the nose bridge / im tryna figure out what that meant / i took it as a taunt remember way back then in school? / oh, did anybody ever say no to you? / i don't think i have a clue and don't you think that we can all tell? / you're insecure [x2] i guess i always do that one thing / when i get too drunk and jump in / to figure out what makes your brain tick i'm a listener, i'm a listener and yes you always do that one thing / cause when you throw and drench me under your drink / i'm tryna figure out what that means / i took it as a taunt yeah, right, no one's gonna catch us now we're fine, no one's gonna catch us now devil town is colder in the summertime / i'll lose my mind at least another thousand times / hold my hand tight, we'll make it another night i still get a little scared of something new / but i feel a little safer when i'm with you falling doesn't feel so bad when i know you've fallen this way too i forgot my name again / i think that's something worth remembering just leave them be, cause they're more scared of you and the rumpus and ruckus are comfortable now been a hell of a ride, but i'm thinking it's time to go i'm way too young to lie here forever / i'm way too old to try, so, whatever man, i'm up to something / ooh di la di do, thank you all for coming so put your best face on everybody look at what you've done, is this what you call glory? / do you still believe you're the hero of your story? / i longed for peace, but you couldn't leave it be so why? / why did you lie? / why did your words amount to nothing? a promise you made, cut down by your blade why did you leave me here with nothing? look at what you've done, is this your happy ending? it was by your hand, you've turned a masterpiece into a nightmare you act like a judge, enforcing your personal grudge / am i to pay for this war you've raised? i know i can trust you, i know i can ask you to / wrap me up in your arms, warm me up like the sun surely the dawn will come again / it won't be long, seasons will end / but until then, hold me together feels like i'm losing all of my time, all of my time / casting shadows on my walls / everything is falling around me so hold onto me tonight [no lyric in particular] my dear stars in the sky / you fly over me / smiling past the rooftops / in the night just out of reach / one day youll find me as the winter showers soak the ground / i wanna hold you closely / but sadly you can't see / the strawberry sunrise / as long as we are under the same sky / i know youll always be there for me my dear friends far away / i hope that maybe soon / we'll see the break of day / but for now / i'll keep you safe / in the clouds / our memories are saved in shapes as the summer solstice wears its crown / i wanna hold you closely / and someday you will see the strawberry sunrise / but as long as we are under the same sky i hold you closer than i ever knew / i could do / but i'm confused i grew up on disney / but this don't feel like disney (edited)
. i'm running low on serotonin / chemical imbalance got me twisting things dig deep, can't hide from the corners of my mind / i'm terrified of what's inside i get intrusive thoughts / like cutting my hands off / like jumping in front of a bus / like how do i make this stop put me in a field with daisies / might not work, but i'll take a maybe oh, been breaking daily / but only me can save me / so i'm capitulating, crying like a fucking baby i don't wanna miss sabada / i don't wanna be sacada / i don't ebededebadadadadabrradadada i get intrusive thoughts / like burning my hair off / like hurting somebody i love / like, does it ever really stop? when there's control, i lose it / incredibly impulsive / so scared i'm gonna end up doing something stupid / but i try to contain it / it gets so draining / it's like my heart is failing / every night i'm contemplating my inner voice is saying "tough" / so i try to brush it off / yeah, i try to brush it off... kan man egentlig, kan man kjenne det i hjertet at hvis man får blodpropp? / jeg følte liksom flere ganger at hjertet mitt slutta å slå og, sånn at— liksom, at jeg følte at jeg ble helt sånn tung og rar i kroppen ("can you really, can you feel in your heart that it somehow has a blood clot? / i kind of felt like my heart stopped beating that, like that / like I felt a little heavy and weird in my body") don't wanna be immature, but i don't wanna grow up either it's true / i wish it was a lie but it's true don't wanna be serious i'm not delirious / i just don't wanna dress so fancy and i break down every time there's no one there to tell me what to do nah, i'm pretty sure that's not true the clock stopped ticking forever ago / how long have i been up? i don't know i can't get a grip, but i can't let go / there wasn't anything to hold on to though why can't i see / all the colors that you see? what the hell's going on? / can someone tell me please? / why i'm switching faster than the channels on tv? no, something isn't right / my enemy's invisible, i don't know how to fight the trembling fear is more than i can take / when i'm up against the echo in the mirror i'm gonna burn my house down into an ugly black / i'm gonna run away now and never look back come outside, come outside / you fell low, but now you're high / you been outside, been outside / so go ahead and do it one more time you went hard, and you did fine we can't wait to see what you do next don't you go, we need you here / you brighten up a shitty year can you wait a sec? / let me catch my breath / let me catch my... / i can't remember how i got here i think it's time to go now, i think my curtain's falling ehhh, okay.. i've been so good, i've been helpful and friendly / i've been so good, why am i feeling empty? / i've been so good, i've been so good this year why are you asking me why my days and nights are filled with disappointment? oh, no, everything's fine i've been so good, but it's still getting harder / i've been so good, where the hell is the karma? am i crazier than other patients? so where's the karma, doc? i've lost my patience i've been so good, i've been working my ass off / i've been so good, still, i'm lonely and stressed out the universe works in mysterious ways / but i'm starting to think it ain't working for me / doctor, should i be good? should i be good this year? i try to explain the good faith that's been wasted / but after an hour, it sounds like complaining (edited)
﹢﹒╴gold ⊹ ࣪.₊* they/glow/void/ender+ ⸤⸢🌠⸥⸣ BOT 18-Dec-22 11:36 PM
. all that you hide from me has now come to the light / you sit and weave your lies like a fox trots through the night / you fight to convince yourself so your clanmates will believe / but your words won't stick around, theyre like dead leaves in the breeze i know all the games you play, all the fear you spread around / you plant your strategies like seedlings in the ground / you abuse my destiny, my faith has paid the cost / the chill is creeping in, i can finally see the frost i put my trust in you, i care more than you know / my heart is broke in two as i watch the freezing show / with every step you take the ice begins to grow whatever happened to the cat you used to be? / now that he's hidden deep, trapped far beneath the freeze now i'm on my own. i will pay the cost i'll walk without the stars / my path will change tonight / i'll turn my back to you, both stars and blood alike oh, brother, can't you see / how you've empowered me? / now that you're headed to hell / now i can finally melt and stop / cause why'd you have to kill my cat? / why'd i have to take you back? time and time, i play the empath one day, i know that you will be there / one day, i'll focus on the future / maybe one day. / oh, baby, isn't life so fucking inconsistent? she said let's talk about what i want to do / cause all i want to do is turn back time / at least a couple tuesdays / to before i found one life turn two i said it last time / but i'm not afraid of empty rooms / i'm not afraid of new perfume / and in fact, my dear, i'm fucking terrified
﹢﹒╴gold ⊹ ࣪.₊* they/glow/void/ender+ ⸤⸢🌠⸥⸣ BOT 18-Dec-22 11:48 PM
storm: misery keeps a mad man sane / and suddenly i'm so eager to take that blank slate yeah, the leaves on the tree are green / and the noise in my head's asleep / but the ground we build our home on still is riddled with mistakes who was i before the sun went down? / before i lost my crown? / should i be proud? / see the way they look at me now? / you'd think i was wearing a shroud ignorance is a certain type of bliss / and i wanna ask, but i'm afraid the answer's a detrimental wish yeah, the river's flowing fast / and i'm balancing on a broken raft as i watch them all move on, i know i'm really gone who am i now that the sun's gone down? / now that i've lost my crown? / can i be proud? see the way they look at me / you'd think i'd have knitted their shrouds (edit: got lyrics mi lon, taso sina weka / ma ale li kama kule ala tenpo seme la sina weka ala? / ken la mi ken awen tawa sina ni li pona ala pona tawa sina? / wile mi la sina pilin ike ala tenpo la mi pilin e ni: "tenpo seme la sina / weka ala, ma ale li kama kule" (edited)
raine: i use everyone i ever meet / can't find the perfect match / abuse those i love / while i ostracize the ones who love me back every time that i miss you / i feel the way you hurt and i don't deserve you / you deserve the world / though it feels like we were built / from the same dirt i hate to say it / but your sister was right / i'm nothing but a problem / leave you crying overnight i hate to say it / but your sister was right / i'm a wanker / complete wanker / a fucking waste of time fault lines tremble underneath my glass house / but i put it out of my mind / long enough to call it courage / to live without a lifeline so this is not an act of spite / it's a visceral coming-to that's something that i can't do / but what i can do is spit the truth / and it all leads back to you tonight, i'm fucking drunk / so it's all gonna be about me i've lost a piece of me in you / but you've lost all your past is he better than me? / has he seen more to this life? can he break me? / can he break you? oh, i don't know what i'm to do / yes, i don't know what i'll fucking do oh what could've been / if you didnt go and fall in love / and ruin everything i've seen him / i've been him / i've felt the same way / but now i break against the dirt / along with our cafes i've lost all meaning / i've lost my sense of hope i've seen him going out with you / i've seen what he can do i'm losing face / i'm losing... i don't care, i want you here / as long as you're happy, i don't care. i am the physical embodiment of / everything i never wanted to be / people must think this kid's fucking crazy i had never thought that life would / would be like this / and now i'm thinking that maybe i should / maybe give life a miss if living was the equivalent of breathing / then maybe i should / prepare myself for a / another asthma attack don't ask me all these bloody questions, i'll get arsey you think i know myself? well, you'd be mostly wrong if lying was a crime, i'd be doing time / i don't mean to whine, but just imagine having to lie to / friends, foes, all of those people that should matter most / living a double life is just as obvious as pinocchio tell me that you're okay and i'm fine / if you figure out your shit then i'll forget mine watch how nature takes its course / these foundations built to fall / i'm gonna fix it / tell me i can fix it tell me why i'm like this, codependent crisis tell me that the sadness ain't my fault / i could pick apart my mess but sterilize yours / tell me that the sadness ain't my fault it was fine til he told me that i wasn't flaw / thought that was funny but that's a fatal flaw of mine and now i'm overthinking breathing / never process my feelings / so doctor tell me why i'm like this / codependent crisis years don't pay off / can't switch it off got a tendency for codependency sharp as a blade, i can strike into action i've been living and fighting in this war of life / but it doesn't matter how hard i try every word you say on a throne of lies / that fail to come to my surpirse blood is the only way / paint the blue skies red / injustice i'll repay / leave them out for dead still my withering heart / yearns for peace and mercy / but i'm ready for revolution now / so let the blood stain the ground / burn it down / and take the crown
. you can't be gone, i just won't say it's true / my world won't change, i won't be broken down the path is broken and it's incomplete / i trip and stumble, i can hardly breathe / so many choices, but no clarity / so many voices, but no melody i'd trade the world, please, i will beg and plead i am broken, and it's hard to breathe / without you here i feel so incomplete / there's no more choices and no melodies / with you gone, i've lost a piece of me the fog is heavy, i can not see through / and so i think that all i fear is true / this can't go on, and now i'm lost too in the blink of an eye, everything's washed away / it takes no more than just a breath for everything to change i've seen hell, but this is a bit more my style gonna cry about it? you should see the other guy you think i cared? it was always a means to an end. there's nothing wrong with me, i'm better now that i'm free it was 13 and a half years i spent / on that platform in hell, but i've come back hellbent this is my sunrise, this is my dawn / this is what i've waited for all along / all of this time, all this is mine / mine, mine, mine, i'm alive shut up and listen / cause i'm back and i've found my will to live but now the train's left the station / the ticket price of my patience / a decade stuck in location / of misery and damnation and now i see the causation / of all this pain and frustration / it's everything that i've taken / oh, yes, i blew up the nation i'm not going, not going back there / and if there's one thing, one thing that i'll swear / i'll be back for a while, kid, so go ahead and smile breathe ashes / breathe smoke / breathe what you invoke / breathe refuge / breathe to live / mother forgive the end is coming / the end is nigh / they tell you it's nothing / it's all a lie / our hope, our fear / the fault is clear / deny, accept / the end is here / breathe inferno / to the grave / no one can be saved like, where is all my corruption? / i need destruction / to make me feel okay did i get lost along the way, / playing nice like they wanted me to be? there are some rules i don't obey / and i just wanna cause a little entropy the fourth dimension is my own mansion / it's all messed up, i don't care / cause what fun is there in ever making sense? did i get lost along the way? / lose my mind for a new identity? / i quite enjoy ruining your day / and i just wanna cause a little entropy off you go, inside your mind again / your legs must shake from the memories you chase round your head your body's here but it is clear you're always searching for what you cannot find and you shut me out once more / i don't know what you're looking for you can't escape it, you can't change it, this race can't be won / but still, you always run and just like that you go / to hide your heart deep down below / and you just choose to ignore / the brewing of our coming war you have no idea of what you've put us through / it doesn't take long to trace it back to you / so you can run and run, go run and run until you drop / but for me, i'll finally stop you run in circles jumping hurdles tryna turn back time / and in your race you will erase your place within my life / so go and run now, chase the sun down, my time's just begun / while you would much rather run the clock stopped ticking forever ago / how long have i been up? i don't know i can't get a grip, but i can't let go / there wasn't anything to hold on to though why can't i see / all the colors that you see? please can i be / colorful and free? what the hell's going on? / can someone tell me please? / why i'm switching faster than the channels on tv? no, something isn't right / my enemy's invisible, i don't know how to fight the trembling fear is more than i can take / when i'm up against the echo in the mirror i'm gonna burn my house down into an ugly black / i'm gonna run away now and never look back
. they wanted heaven from me / i gave em hell / now they want something bigger / i'm overwhelmed / and if you're just as hopeless / i wish you well come outside, come outside / you fell low, but now you're high / you been outside, been outside / so go ahead and do it one more time
comet: you got the same eyes as your father / and you carry the same kind of temper too / oh, what a shame for the people of the community but i quite like your girlfriend / how the fuck'd she end up with you? / you know, we talk about all the dumb shit you do i'm the ending, she's the start well, now, now, you need to calm down / what good's this energy / when you devote it to me? / why not be a little more friendly? now, now, you need to calm down / does she still think of me? / say my name in her sleep? / i thought you knew her better than me oh, don't give me that face / you know that the chase is through / and, well, she's still running away from you and then she told me that she fucking hates you so this is not an act of spite / it's a visceral coming-to that's something that i can't do / but what i can do is spit the truth / and it all leads back to you i've lost a piece of me in you / but you've lost all your past are you good enough to be his wife? / can he break me? / can he break you? oh, i don't know what i'm to do / yes, i don't know what i'll fucking do oh what could have been / if you didn't go and fall and love / and ruin everything i've seen him / i've been him / ive felt the same way / but now i break against the dirt / along with our cafes they all hate me, they all hate me / i feel like everyone hates me, they won't listen i just don't know if i can take it anymore i just know they fucking hate me, they're all leaving / maybe part of me deserves it, i'm done explaining how do i know for a fact that they're not talking shit behind my back? a little bit of everything since i was fucking 13 / i'll lose my life a billion times but i'll just keep on going so please, hurry, leave me, i can't breathe / please don't say you love me / mune ga hachikire-sōde one word from you and i would / jump off of this ledge i'm on, baby / tell me don't so i can crawl back in and i was so young when i behaved twenty five / yet now i find i've grown into a tall child and i don't wanna go home / let me walk to the top of the big night sky i am the physical embodiment of / everything i never wanted to be / people must think this kid's fucking crazy i had never thought that life would / would be like this / and now i'm thinking that maybe i should / maybe give life a miss if living was the equivalent of breathing / then maybe i should / prepare myself for a / another asthma attack don't ask me all these bloody questions, i'll get arsey you think i know myself? well, you'd be mostly wrong if lying was a crime, i'd be doing time / i don't mean to whine, but just imagine having to lie to / friends, foes, all of those people that should matter most / living a double life is just as obvious as pinocchio you're right, i'm not like you / i'm everything that you're not / you really had the nerve to mock me / well i'm unbreakable / nothing's ever stopping me now / i'm always gonna take you down and yes it's true / i was once scared of you / but now i've got the guts / to see you through got us all attached to strings / but i'm gonna cut the ones attached to me it's not that simple but he won't seem to notice / there must be more to this but we don't know how many lives it took, no / they'll never know what you knew and we're so calm but we're (fucking scared, fucking scared) [x3] / and we're so calm but we're fucking scared of people like you under the weight of some sertraline / a couple prozacs and now i'm pumping dopamine there must be more to this the treadmill still looms / with your hedonic misuse so, come on, one and all, and see the apathy i look to all of you and see a different fucking species / aspiration for a different destination to me i would do something if it wasn't all so effortful / cause i'm so high, my brain can't even look at the fall / and when you've reached the top there's nowhere else to go but ---
. said i'd understand when i'm older / said i'd understand the things they do / falls asleep on his shoulder in the breakroom / she falls asleep on his shoulder in the breakroom she said she'd been inside for too long / well, no shit, could you tell us something new? you can tell he's lying, cause his lips move imagine the kind of thing's he'd do to you / if there weren't so many cameras she says the country's sweating out a fever / a fever born by what you do what kind of pressure do they put on you? you look so cute when you're so angry / if i'm going down, you're coming with me and you think that it gets better / just you wait until next week / you're keeping a dark secret / but you're talking in your sleep two birds on a wire / one tries to fly away and the other / watches him close from that wire / he says he wants to as well / but he is a liar i'll believe it all / there's nothing i won't understand / i'll believe it all / i won't go of your hand one says come on / and the other says i'm tired two birds of a feather / say that they're always gonna stay together / but one's never going to let go of that wire / he says that he will, but he's just a liar two birds on a wire / one tries to fly away / and the other... it's 3:45 (am) / and i just bite my tongue / update me on your life / and now you've found the one / but i dont like his eyes / and i distrust their name / and i hate their haircut / they look like a prick would be daft of me to cry by the way he holds you / bet he serenades you / i can't really blame you and i can still smell her perfume / did it rub off on you? you say your ex-boyfriend's a policeman / well i say you need better standards and she was in the dust, stalling / life was streaming past / so she learnt to lie / she learnt how to pretend / a drama in the futile / a means to an end why can't you be a dick? / why must you be so nice? / it's hard for me to move on / when i don't really hate you it's 3:45 / your taxi's not arrived / i don't think that he's coming devil town is colder in the summertime / i'll lose my mind at least another thousand times / hold my hand tight, we'll make it another night i still get a little scared of something new / but i feel a little safer when i'm with you falling doesn't feel so bad when i know you've fallen this way too the fog is heavy, i cannot see through / and so i think that all i fear is true / this can't go on, and now i'm lost too / i know i'll never find my way to you and every sentence that i spoke began and ended in ellipsis / each of eight fingers gripping what he wrote / clung on tightly like parenthesis and for each correctly used apostrophe / i could feel my heart sink inside my chest in front of me you said every photo that you took that festival / got lost in your camera in an insurance scam / and though underexposed i could see from the quality / his k records t shirt, you holding his hand / and i know he took you to the beach / i can tell from how you bite on your cheek / every time the sand falls from your insoles and when our eyes meet / all i can read / is you're the b-side but now he's playing with your head did he ever make you cry? do the wires in your mind get sewn together / rubbed and severed by the heat? you don't know how long i could stare into your picture / and wish that it was me / i guess it's different cause you love him / but i've got an interactive / sick and twisted imagination / and that's gotta count for something you're wasting your tongue with lame excuses and lies and i'm starting to suspect / you don't intend to do anything you say at all
. in the fabric of time and in the vastness of space / a billion amounts to nothing in infinity's face your life never mattered / so who cares if it's a waste? so, whether it's cancer, murder, or suicide / one day you're going to die close your eyes, you'll be here soon / ichi, ni, san, shi, go, fun / tokidoki, hontou ni netai / demo, kono waado dekinai days go by / shou ga nai / moments pass / shattered glass hands of time will wring my neck / every little moment spells regret oyasumi, oyasumi / close your eyes and you'll leave this dream / oyasumi, oyasumi / i know that it's hard to do...
﹢﹒╴gold ⊹ ࣪.₊* they/glow/void/ender+ ⸤⸢🌠⸥⸣ BOT 19-Dec-22 12:59 AM
playlist in the notes, all characters are ov! :>> neptune relationship with ash i'm only honest when it rains if i time it right, the thunder breaks when i open my mouth i wanna tell you but i dont know how i'm only honest when it rains an open book with a torn out page and my inks run out i wa...
jorp mlom nynx coet 19-Dec-22 12:19 PM
gay gay homosexual gay
ok wait
name thing
both are comet
right is amethyst, left is dagger
got it? good
*˚⁀`* Graylo& ┊ It/He/They/Glitch/Error *˚⁀`* ☄💎 Comet Shard BOT 19-Dec-22 04:18 PM
do we know like
anything about aerin
Leo | 14 | not she/her | 🌔 The Moonlark System BOT 19-Dec-22 04:20 PM
uuhhhh like what
*˚⁀`* Graylo& ┊ It/He/They/Glitch/Error *˚⁀`* ☄💎 Comet Shard BOT 19-Dec-22 04:20 PM
their involvement in like
Claire | 21 | she/they | 🌔 The Moonlark System BOT 19-Dec-22 04:22 PM
uhhhh i dont think we do know anything
*˚⁀`* Graylo& ┊ It/He/They/Glitch/Error *˚⁀`* ☄💎 Comet Shard BOT 19-Dec-22 04:22 PM
Claire | 21 | she/they | 🌔 The Moonlark System BOT 19-Dec-22 04:24 PM
i do know that they have past trauma and therefore don't trust people easily, they tend to unintentionally abandon/ghost the friends they make
*˚⁀`* Graylo& ┊ It/He/They/Glitch/Error *˚⁀`* ☄💎 Comet Shard BOT 19-Dec-22 04:25 PM
ill try to come up with random ideas cause im hyperfixation on ov again
Claire | 21 | she/they | 🌔 The Moonlark System BOT 19-Dec-22 04:31 PM
﹢﹒╴gold ⊹ ࣪.₊* they/glow/void/ender+ ⸤⸢🌠⸥⸣ BOT 19-Dec-22 07:32 PM
all orbitverse content thread
﹢﹒╴gold ⊹ ࣪.₊* they/glow/void/ender+ ⸤⸢🌠⸥⸣ BOT 20-Dec-22 12:01 AM
glob pinned a message to this channel. 20-Dec-22 04:53 PM
glob pinned a message to this channel. 20-Dec-22 07:06 PM
glob pinned a message to this channel. 20-Dec-22 07:07 PM
*˚⁀`* Milo/Jupiter& ┊ He/They/It/Neos ┊ Host *˚⁀`* ☄💎 Comet Shard BOT 21-Dec-22 01:39 AM
little idea I had for if c!comet dies (which I don't plan on that happening, just as a plan for dead comet if there's a disaster that causes death) their name is eve and they're 3 feel tall. they start out being a confused husk with no discernable personality, but when they start to discover their identity, amethyst and dagger become spirits following eve around and influencing their thoughts. depending on how long they stay dead, these spirits can be at war with one another, either they tie and eve is stuck being nobody forever, they stop fighting and combine into one self, that new one being eve's personality, or one of them wins and completely takes over. idk just a random 1 an thought
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